Early August Garden

A brief photo-spread of the garden progress:

Parsley, beets

L to R: Basil, Marigold, Beets, Radishes, Chard
Giant Sunflowers. The ants are in love. 
Very sad heirloom tomatoes and tumbling tom tomatoes. The t-toms are producing some delicious baby tomatoes. The heirloom is producing sparse, soggy tomatoes. Not sure why they are so upset. I don’t think they like the plastic planter. 

A sad roma tomato plant, and two even sadder pepper plants – jalapeño and orange pepper. They were invaded by yellow aphids. More on the solution for this in another post.  

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These tomato plants are at the back of the garden plot. I planted them here as more of a funeral, as the seedlings I sprouted were nearly dead, only 2 inches tall in June. They are absolutely thriving here, so much so that I had to cage them all! At least these tomatoes are happy. 

My Calendula is absolutely thriving. I can barely keep up with trimming the heads for drying. More about uses for, and drying calendula in another post. 

My very sad, neglected marigolds. When I’m away for work (4 days at a time, weekly), my husband always forgets to water these guys. The irony of this is, they sit right on top of the rain barrel.